Opensense Admin Introduction
  • 13 Jan 2024
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Opensense Admin Introduction

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Article summary

Naming Conventions and Syntax on

Opensense uses a singular naming convention across the platform. Please adhere to the following naming conventions:


NOT allowed

  • Lower case letters
  • Numbers
  • Underscores
  • Uppercase letters
  • Special characters
  • Spaces
The syntax followed when copying banner names into a signature is [[ad:bannername]]
The syntax followed when copying tag names into a signature is [[adtags:tagname]]

Designer Studio - Create/Edit Signature Designs

Accessing Designer Studio

1. Click on the Signatures dropdown and choose the Designer Studio:

Creating and editing a signature template

1. Click on the green “Add New Template” button to create a new signature template:

2. Name your template (refer to Opensense naming convention document) and hit the “Save” button:

3. To edit your signature template click on the “Edit” button:

4. Add/edit your HTML text to the “HTML Template” box: 

Image Replacement

1. Go to the Marketing dropdown and choose Images

2. Find the image that you would like to use and click

3. Go to your Signatures dropdown and choose the Designer Studio

4. In the Designer Studio search for your signature template and click

5. The HTML Template box will now be present. You will need to search for the URL of the image that you would like to replace

6. Highlight the URL that represents the image that you would like to change. (*Note: be sure to only highlight the text in between the quotation marks).

7. Paste the URL that has been copied to your clipboard (from step #2) over the highlighted URL that you would like to change in your HTML Template box.

8. Click purple PREVIEW button

9. When satisfied with the rendering, click the green SAVE  button

1. In the HTML editor for a signature, you can find the link next to the href attribute (screenshot below)

2. Highlight the link you want to replace, and type or copy and paste in the desired URL you would like recipients to visit when they click

3. When completed, click the green SAVE button

Adding Fields

Add fields by clicking on the “+ Add Field” button and typing out your field names (you can hide these fields in your plain text signature block by ✓ the hide box). When completed, hit the Save button to save: 

Refer to the Opensense naming conventions  when naming your fields. You will also have to add these custom fields to your HTML templates. (Example: $title;)

To preview any edits before saving, click the purple PREVIEW button

Cloning a signature template

1. Click on the Clone button

2. Name it (refer to the Opensense naming convention document) and click Save

Creating/editing a reply template

1. Click the Edit button on the signature that you would like to add a reply template to:

2. Toggle the Reply Template so it shows green

3. Scroll down to the “Reply HTML Template” box and add your HTML text to create your reply template. Click the purple Preview button to preview:

4. When completed, hit the Save button

How to add a Plain Text Signature

The plain text template is used if an email recipient does not allow HTML (uncommon)

1. In the “Designer Studio” go to your signature template and click on the blue “Edit” button

2. In the “Text Template” and “Reply Text Template” boxes, type in the fields that you would like to be present in your plain text signature template (Refer to Opensense naming convention document)

3. When completed, hit the green Save button.

Departments - Manage Groups of Users

Create a Department

1. After logging into Opensense, click on the “Signatures” dropdown and choose “Departments." 

2. Click on "Add New Department" in green

3. Next to the icon with 3 people

4. Name the department

5.  Click the green check box on the upper right hand corner of the screen

Adding Users to Departments 

1. Add a user individually: Where you see Add a username without text box, simply type the user’s email address without the (tip: Tab after each username)

2. Adding users in bulk: simply click on the Toggle Bulk button and paste users from CSV column, etc.

Bind a Department to your Directory

If a department is bound to a directory group then any changes to the directory group, once synced, will auto reflect in Opensense

1. Click on the “Signatures” dropdown and choose “Departments”:

2. Click "Add New Department" and provide a name for your department. Depending on the binding, find your existing directory group and choose it. After locating it, press the green button on the top right to save. Refer to the Opensense "Syncing" documentation for information on syncing.

Signature Assignment - Assign a Signature to a Department

Create a Signature Route

1. After logging into Opensense, click on the Signatures dropdown menu and choose Signature Assignment

2. Click Add New Route and toggle the "on" slider

3. In the left box (for signature blocks/templates), type in the signature template you want to use. Or type * to see all of your templates and select the one you want.

4. In the right box (for groups/departments), type in the group/department you want to assign the signature template to. Or type * to see all the departments and select the one you want

5. Once you have chosen your signature template and group/department of users, click the green check box

Activate a Signature Route

1. To activate a route, click the blue pencil button

2. Toggle the "off" switch to the "on" position

3. To complete the action, click the green check box

4. Once done, every department assigned to this route will receive the selected signature (If a department is assigned to multiple routes, only the highest priority route will be active).

The priority # under the toggle switches on the right shows priority of each route. You can drag and drop the signature routes to re-prioritize. The system will route users who are in more than one department to the highest priority signature template.
It's best practice to have a signature route activated for 'allusers'. This serves as a 'catch-all', ensuring that every user receives a signature template, even if they are not assigned to a specific department. You can do this by positioning the "default" template at the bottom of your signature routes.

Portal Access - Elevating and Toggling Permissions

How to Grant Admin Access in Opensense

1. Login at

2. Go to Admin drop down menu > Click on Users & Roles

3. Click the blue pencil button to edit

4. Toggle permissions on/off and hit the green check box 

Types of Access in Opensense

By default, new Opensense users will be given the minimum amount of User Permissions. A domain admin will be needed to assign permissions to any new user.

1. User is enabled by default for anyone using an Opensense signature, or is logging into Opensense. This enables access to the Opensense menu, you do not need to configure this.

2. Signature enables access to the "Signatures" dropdown menu. This will give users the ability to manage signatures within the Designer Studio, Compliance, Pusher tool, etc.

3. Marketing enables the "Marketing" dropdown menu. This will give users the ability to manage marketing features like banners.

4. Domain Admin enables access to the "Admin" dropdown menu. Domain Admins have the ability to provision the user permissions that are listed above.

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