Email Notification Launch Guide - Everything You Need to Know
  • 23 Feb 2024
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Email Notification Launch Guide - Everything You Need to Know

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Article summary


To set up a plain text email signature through an email reminder, paste the signature into your settings for consistent and attractive email signatures across devices and applications. This is a one-time setup.

Push to Email Explained

  • Deliver the Opensense signature straight to your employees' inbox via the Pusher.
  • A one-time copy/paste into their signature settings is all it takes for consistent email signatures across all devices and applications.

Deployments Tips and Best Practices

  • For optimal deployment: choose early in the week to spur adoption throughout the rest of the week.

End User Experience

  • Employees will receive their customized Opensense signature in their inbox via email from
  • A subsequent one-time copy and paste into signature settings is needed to complete signature setup. This will cover any device the employee is sending emails from.
Your branded Opensense Signature Instructions document contains set up instructions for major desktop and mobile applications.
  • The pasted signature will appear as plain text, and the email recipient will receive the beautiful email signature design that is centrally managed by Marketing Your branded Opensense Signature Instructions document showcases this transformation.

Internal Launch Communications

Properly communicating the Opensense launch can make the difference between receiving a few support emails, or way more than necessary if it's done poorly. To make it as easy as possible for you to take flight, here's an email example to get you started with your launch communications!

This email template was submitted with love by one of our customers who have successfully launched their email signatures! It's a great place to start, but remember that your email communication should be customized to your unique use case before sending out. This is the best time to prevent confusion for the end user. Additionally, we have highlighted any items that need to be personalized before sending out.

Launch communications should be sent 1-3 days before the day of launch. Bonus points for showcasing your new company signature even sooner than that on an all hands meeting!
If you have a launch communication email that you are proud of feel free to send it to your customer success manager so we can add it onto our knowledge base to help others!

Send 3 days before launch (Email Announcement 1 of 2)

All Company Employees


Dear Team,

In an effort to present a stronger unified brand to our customers, we will be implementing a standardized email signature for all employees. Using a service called Opensense, the marketing team will now centrally manage the style and format of email signatures while employee contact information will be synced from our company directory. This means your email signature on all emails from any device will be beautiful and up to date with all of the latest messaging, and best of all there is very little required on your end!

Highlights of the new email signature block are:

We ask that you help us in this facet of our launch by taking the following steps -

You will receive an email from our team on Monday, May 18th with additional instructions on how to get this set up for your emails going forward.

If your signature contains incorrect contact information, or your require any other assitance setting up your email signature, please contact Jane Doe for support:

Please do not add quotations, tag lines, memes, videos, alternative legal disclaimers, font changes, color changes, logos, etc. If you beleive that you have a legitmate case for adding or changing something on your signature block please reach out to Jane Doe: and your request will be reviewed and considered by Marketing.

We greatly appreciate your help in setting up your signatures

Thank you!

  • Announce on all hands meeting for an engaging launch
  • Support requests tend to subside after a week or so from launch

Send day of launch (Email Announcement 2 of 2)

To: All Company Employees

Subject: Corporate Email Signature Launch Today

You will receive an email from Opensense today with a personalized email signature block. Please take a moment to read the attached document to set up this new signature block on your corporate device(s). It contains step-by-step instructions for a variety of email clients – including Outlook, Outlook Web Access, iPhone & Android. This document will contain frequently asked questions, and will also showcase the transformation of your email signature, seen below:

Due to contact information being synced with our company directory, any changes made directly to your signature block will be overwritten by directory info when sending email. If your signature contains incorrect info or you require any other assistance setting up your email signature, please contact our IT Helpdesk for support:

The signature will appear as plain text when sending an email, and the recipient will always receive the branded email signature design that is centrally managed by Marketing. You can send yourself a test email to your personal email or a colleague to confirm it's working as expected before sending an external email.
Make sure you also add in which fields can be updated by employees, and which require contacting internal support to update

Change Requests

Do not add quotations, tag lines, former acquired company names, memes, videos, alternate legal disclaimers, font changes, color changes, font changes, Manufacturer logos, certifications etc. If you believe that you have a legitimate case for adding or changing something on your signature block please get approval from your manager, place an IT service ticket stating what you want and your request will be reviewed by Marketing for consideration. Do not make changes on your own. Thanks for your cooperation.

Signature Instructions Example to distribute to Employees

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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